Welcome to the Home Page of Department of Geography at Komazawa Univ.!
- The Department of Geography is an
especially strong department in Komazawa university; it is rightly famous
throughout Japan for its excellence, and an exceptionally large number
of students come from all over Japan to enroll in this outstanding department.
To satisfy such popular demand, the Department accordingly has a full
staff of senior professors. The Department is intent on thoroughly training
the students in the research methods of physical and human geography;
to this purpose every year the professorial faculty takes students on
elaborate field excursions. Students receive geography lectures in a
wide diversity of special areas of study, but they also become adept
at applied geography by learning all the techniques connected with map-drawing,
collecting geographical data, and submitting such data to analysis.
Chair, Undergraduate Course
Prof. Hidekazu SUZUKI
Chair, Postgraduate Course
Prof. Shigeo SUZUKI
Director, Institute for Applied Geography
Prof. Yukihiro HIRAI
1-23-1 Komazawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, 154-8525, JAPAN
Phone/Fax: +81-3-3418-9259