Faculty of Health Sciences

Why not become a member of a medical team who can help to protect people's lives?

Department of Radiological Sciences

In our Department you will gain the knowledge and skills in radiological science which are needed to become a medical specialist at the same time as taking a wide range of liberal arts subjects. The curriculum offered at Komazawa is unique in providing both courses which focus on techniques in medical treatment and courses which focus on imaging techniques.

In your first year you will study subjects to do with the foundations of medicine, science and engineering such as anatomy, radiological physics and electrical engineering, as well as having the opportunity to take a wide range of liberal arts subjects.

In your second year you will study subjects such as clinical medicine, imaging technology, and radiation technology, which are necessary for the actual application of radiological sciences in a medical setting.

In your third year you will study more advanced and practical subjects according to the course. We cover all the subjects which are needed for the national examination.

In your fourth year the number of elective courses increases and you can register for courses which suit your own interests. You can also concentrate on your graduation research project and can prepare for the national examination.

Academic Staff

HARADA Kazumasa Ph.D. (Science) Chemistry
KANEKO Junichi Ph.D. (Science) Radiation Measurement
KONDO Keisuke M. Engin. Image Engineering
MATSUOKA Yujiro M.D. , Ph.D. Radiology
MORIGUCHI Hisamoto M.D. , Ph.D. Imaging Physics
NAKO Yasunobu M.S. Radiograpic Technology
OKADA Tomoko Ph.D. (Science) Chemical Biology
SHIMADA Morio M.D. Radiology
SHIMURA Kazuo M. Engin. Image Engineering
TOHYAMA Naoki Ph.D. Medical Physics
Associate Professor
ARAI Tomohiro Ph.D.(Health Sciences) Radiation Measurement
FUJITA Yukio Ph.D. Medical Physics
HIRAKI Hitoshi Ph.D. (Health Sciences) Radiograpic Technology
MAGOME Taiki Ph.D. (Health Sciences) Medical Physics
WATANABE Yuichi Ph.D. (Health Sciences) Radiological Technology
MURATA Syo Ph.D.(Medical Science) Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Educational Materials on Radiation
NAKAJIMA Yujiro Ph.D. (Medicine) Medical Physics